36 play and puzzle stations close to nature on 3000 m²: WIDIVERSUM HOCHOETZ stages varied mountain moments for all the family.
Young and old adventurers are in search of the magic crystal together with the lovely mountain sheep WIDI and his friends. They have to master fun-filled and exciting challenges. Three newly designed theme hiking trails promise a child-friendly adventure on your hike to the surrounding huts and Alpine pastures. This interactive exploration is crowned by a visit to WIDI'S MOVIE SHUTTLE. The futuristic 5D cinema offers a fascinating journey for all senses. After the mission has been successfully completed, a little surprise awaits young adventure friends. Download - Folder WIDIVERSUM Hochoetz (PDF)
The uphill ride to WIDIVERSUM HOCHOETZ takes only 10 minutes on the Acherkogel Mountain Gondola from Oetz. Admission is free for holders of a valid gondola ticket, except WIDI'S MOVIE SHUTTLE.

Facts and figures about WIDIs Kids Park
- WIDIs Kids Park in Oetz, covering more than 5000 m², is one of the largest playgrounds in Tirol and the biggest of its kind in Ötztal, accessible free of charge
- Ten theme stations focus on mining
- Only natural materials (mainly robinia wood) were used for the construction of the entire playground
- Adjacent to the swimming pool, the tennis and volleyball courts
- Ample free parking is available on site
- WIDIs Kids Park Oetz is suitable for baby prams and strollers
- The adjacent swimming pool café with large sun terrace is accessible to everyone also if you don't use the swimming pool

Apple grandma Gala explains a lot of interesting facts about her favorite apple topic to her grandson Äpfelchen Elstar with the help of pictures and display boards along the mile. The information, which is very interesting not only for children, is supplemented by eight interactive play stations. In this way, even the youngest understand how a tree is made from a seed, what is in an apple and which apple varieties there are around Haiming. Slacklines and seating sets - also in apple shape, of course - complete the offer and invite you to linger. An oversized recipe book reveals everything you can do with apples. Grab your bikes or take a leisurely stroll along the Inn Cycle Path in Haiming and discover the new attraction for young and old!

Fun and games with refreshment guarantee
Situated in a shady clearing, a whole herd of four-legged Alpine animals provides for varied fun and entertainment. The oversized "hiking ox" made of local wood invites to try swinging, climbing and enjoying a rest. Swinging through the air on the "rocking ox" while the "drinking ox" and the "ox calf" make a perfect place for water games on hot summer days. Ötztal's mascot WIDI shows the principle of pressure shock with the hydraulic "water ram". Additionally, a cozy bench invites you to lean back and relax for a couple of moments.
Download - Flyer (PDF)
The Ochsenbrunnen forest playground is open throughout the summer months and accessible free of charge. Ample parking areas are available for free.

Zauberwald in Sautens
Wie unterscheiden Bienen einzelne Blumen voneinander und wie lebt es sich als Schmetterling? Elf liebevoll gestaltete Stationen warten im Zauberwald auf neugierige Naturforscher. Der Lehrpfad startet bei der Volksschule und führt über einen Forst- bzw. Waldweg sowie kurze Asphalt-Abschnitte bis zum Waldspielplatz. Download - Flyer (PDF)
- Ganzjährig frei zugänglich
- Kinderwagentauglicher Spazierweg für die ganze Familie
- Gehzeit: ca. 1h
- Spielerisches Lernen an verschiedenen Stationen
- Highlight: Aussichtsplattform „Drei-Kirchen-Blick“ mit großem Waldspielplatz
- Kostenlose Parkplätze beim Startpunkt im Zentrum von Sautens (bei der Volksschule oberhalb der Kirche)